Get master table records (GetStamTabelRecords)

Function: GetStamTabelRecords
This function allows you to retrieve data from a master table.

Click on the line to show the available fields of the table.

Nb. If a table has no link to the available fields, but you need these please contact KING Software.

> =

Any combination of WHEREFIELDS / WHEREOPERATORS / WHEREVALUES provide an AND combination. If you want to create an OR query, then you can combine the search fields in one WHEREFIELD.


This returns all debtors / creditors / prospects where the name or location contains A.

For most master tables it is possible to use an extra TAG next to the TAGS WEREFIELDS/WHEREOPERATORS and WHEREFIELDS namely : MUTDATE_VA, in which case  you can use the value from this tag to specify the date from which you want to retrieve the data.

Note 1: Als in de WHEREFIELDS/WHEREOPERATORS/WHEREVALUES-clausule meerdere velden zijn opgenomen.  dan moeten deze velden worden gescheiden door een TAB character. (Char(9))

Note 2: When passing data within PHP, keep in mind that the characters such as & and> or <can not simply be passed on. Use the character data indication <! [CDATA [Test <less than]]> for this.

For some master tables you can get an extra TAG next WHERE FIELD, WHERE OPERATORS WHERE and VALUES:
  • MUTDATE_VA  For most master tables it is possible to use an extra TAG next to the TAGS WEREFIELDS/WHEREOPERATORS and WHEREFIELDS namely : MUTDATE_VA, in which case  you can use the value from this tag to specify the date from which you want to retrieve the data.
    The presence of this TAG is sufficient to link the file items to the table. In addition to the master data table, this option returns a second table containing the file items. Please note that retrieving the file documents is an extra burden for the servers. When retrieving 100 invoices with 10 files with or without multiple pages, it is quickly 1000 files (PDF files). Try to limit the collection of the documents to the moment of need. The classification of this returned table may differ per table. This according  the unique link to the different tables.

    This can be used for tables:

    • BOE (Journal entries)
      GRBMUT (Journal mutations)
      CREOPP (Creditor outstanding items / Invoices based on journal entries)
      DEBOPP (Debtor outstanding items / Invoices based on journal entries)
      Filling the PDF_BESTAND variable with the PDF_UBL_BESTAND value retrieves not only the PDFs but also the other file items linked to the entry. (eg UBL / XML file)
      Filling the PDF_BESTAND variable with PDF_COUNT does not retrieve the PDFs but returns a PDF_COUNT field in the DIGDOS file that contains the number of linked documents. This is used if you only want to know “if there are any documents linked”. Because the PDF data is not sent, there is less data and of course much faster.
      At this moment the next master tables are available in english:

GetStamtabelRecords(ByVal PartnerKey As String, ByVal Omgevingscode As String, ByVal SessionId As String, ByVal Selectie As DataSet, ByRef Records As DataSet, ByRef foutmelding As String) As Boolean

SOAP request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <GetStamtabelRecords xmlns="">
        <xsd:schema>schema</xsd:schema><![CDATA[zie voorbeeld]]></Selectie>

Example for tag <Selection></ Select>,  for retrieving data:

Please note, if in the WHERE clause of SELECTFIELDS-clause multiple fields are included,  then these fields must be separated by a TAB character. (Char(9))
To sort descending a :D must be added to the ORDERBY.


<MUTDATE_VA >datum</MUTDATE_VA > (Optional)


SOAP response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <GetStamtabelRecordsResponse xmlns="">

Example for retrieving a debtor:


<MUTDATE_VA >01-01-2016</MUTDATE_VA > (Optional)


Example for retrieved data <records></records>

<ZKSL>fiets paradijs</ZKSL>
<NAAM>Multi User Informatie Systemen B.V.</NAAM>
<NAAM2>J. de Vries</NAAM2>
<ADRES>De Trompet 2880</ADRES>


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